Video: ‘What Chili Wants’ new VH1 reality show

Chili from R&B group TLC is looking for her soul mate.  Her wish list includes a man who is gorgeous, and doesn’t drink, smoke or eat pork. Missy Elliott and group member T-Boz also offer their advice. Check out the trailer for her new VH1 reality show, “What Chili Wants,” which premieres April 11.

One thought on “Video: ‘What Chili Wants’ new VH1 reality show

  1. I saw the preview on VH1 the other night and I don’t know if I am feeling this. I mean, Chili to me has always been the least interesting of the group TLC. We know she dated Usher for a while and i know he drank, ate pork but he was gorgeous (lol). Anyway, her list is long and unrealistic, like many African American woman and that is probably why, as pretty as she is, she is still single. Things that make you go hum!!!

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